we said goodbye, I went to my house, I had some savings, from what Isabel gave me, and what I had won for the championship, when I got to my house, I found Mary, changed, she was beautiful, we went to a store in my town, I gave her a dress, underwear, a two-piece silk robe pieces, a pair of shoes, I only bought a shirt, we returned home, changed into the new clothes and I took her to a country restaurant, I carried her in my arms, like my mother, when we arrived there were quite a few people, some greeted us, after a few minutes one or another friend approached to greet me for Christmas and for the championship, and they said to Mary… LADY YOU HAVE A VERY GOOD SON… GOOD FOOTBALL PLAYER… TITO TAKE CARE OF YOUR MOTHER SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, we finished lunch and returned home, she was super happy, we changed and lay down in bed, we began to kiss and the caresses came from one side and the other, we ended up making love, at about 8 pm. I woke up, we had tea, I went to her room to get my clothes and go to my room, she told me…..LOVE WHERE ARE YOU GOING….LOVE FROM NOW ON YOU ARE MY MAN….THIS IS ALSO YOUR ROOM AND YOU WILL SLEEP WITH ME…..YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU WOULD NEVER LEAVE ME…I LOVE YOU MY LIFE…WE WILL LIVE AS A COUPLE I AM YOUR WOMAN MY LOVE, It was at the end of January Isabel looked for me, it was to say goodbye, we made love I gave her from the front and from behind she was happy, she told me that she was going to Lima, her son was studying at a University, and her husband had bought a house for them, she gave me the address, if I ever came to visit her, she gave me 500 soles, in those days the son of the head of the bank looked for me, his name was Ricardo, he told me…TITO MY OLD MAN WANTS TO TALK WITH YOU, WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU AT MY HOUSE AT 7 AT NIGHT… DON’T MISS OUT FRIEND, I wondered what it was for, I went at the agreed time, I knocked on the door, Ricardo came out, he said to me… COME IN FRIEND, SIT DOWN I’LL PASS THE WORD TO MY OLD MAN, a few minutes later Mr. Gustavo came out… HELLO TITO, EVERYTHING’S FINE… I’M GOING TO GET TO THE POINT BOY, THE SOCCER TEAM WE HAVE IS LOOKING FOR PLAYERS, AND WE’VE THOUGHT ABOUT YOU, WE’RE GOING TO DRESS YOU IN A SHIRT, SHORTS, SHOES, A COMPLETE SWEATSHIRT, IN ADDITION, WE’RE GOING TO GIVE YOU A MONTHLY TIP OF 70 SOLES AND TIPS FOR EACH GAME WON, WHAT DO YOU SAY TITO… WE’RE COUNTING ON YOU, I thought for a few seconds and said… MR. GUSTAVO …I ACCEPT, AND THANK YOU FOR THINKING OF ME, I gave this news to my wife, she was happy,… That year I slept with my wife, we had sex almost every day, then every other day, she knew how to provoke me, I didn’t neglect my studies or football,I finished high school, and we won soccer, December came, we had been together for a year, Mary prepared an intimate meeting for the two of us, I remember we made love like never before, she asked me… LOVE I WANT YOU TO MAKE ME YOUR WOMAN… I WANT TO BE YOUR REAL WOMAN… GIVE ME FROM BEHIND MY LOVE… I WANT YOU TO BREAK MY ASS… PLEASE MY LOVE, .. AND SO IT WAS, I BROKE HER ASS… SHE WAS SCREAMING IN PAIN BUT THAT PAIN WAS FROM PLEASURE, that beautiful ass was finally mine, My friends were thinking about continuing their higher education, and they asked me where I was going to go, a few of us stayed, my friend Ricardo said goodbye to me, I was frank with him, I wanted to work… HE WAS VERY DIRECT… TITO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY ASK MY OLD MAN FOR A JOB, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LIKE HELP…TAKE ADVANTAGE FRIEND. After about 5 days, I went to look for Mr. Gustavo, he received me very kindly. I said Mr. Gustavo… EXCUSE ME FOR BEING TRUSTED… THE TRUTH IS THAT I WANT TO WORK… I WILL NOT HAVE A POSITION HERE IN YOUR BANK, he told me… TITO IS NOT MY BANK… I DO NOT PROMISE YOU ANYTHING… BUT I WILL DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO HELP YOU… LET ME TALK TO MY COMPADRE, HE IS THE PERSONNEL MANAGER AT THE CENTRAL… LET ME BE WITH YOU TITO, I WILL PASS THE WORD TO YOU, one, two, three days went by, after about 10 days, Mr. Gustavo sent for me, I immediately went to the bank, Mr. Gustavo was waiting for me, when he saw me, he made me go to his office and said… TITO I HAVE GOOD NEWS… YOU ARE LUCKY THEY APPROVED ME TWO POSITIONS, ONE IS ALREADY YOURS, YOU START WORKING FROM THE FIRST OF MARCH, TAKE OUT YOUR DOCUMENTS THAT THE ADMINISTRATION WILL ASK YOU FOR, ANY CONCERNS LET ME KNOW, I left, went home, told my wife about the news, she cried with joy, that night we made love almost all night, just seeing her beautiful ass put me in fa, and she was dying for my cock, that year I did well, with the bank’s soccer team, we won the championship and went to the Peru Cup, … One day Mary was waiting for me at night when I came back from the bank, a little worried, I got changed and we had dinner, I saw her quite quiet, I got worried and I said to her … MY LOVE WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU … IS THERE SOMETHING YOU WANT TO TELL ME, I’M ALL EARS, MY LOVE YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU, she took out a paper and showed it to me, I read it, she was pregnant… I was happy… and I told her… MY LOVE… THANK YOU MY LOVE IT IS THE BEST NEWS YOU GIVE ME, I KISSED HER… SHE RECIPROCATED, WE MADE LOVE AS HUSBAND AND WIFE IT WAS SOMETHING WONDERFUL, a month passed since the news, Mary, one of those nights of conversation told me… LOVE, IT WILL BE 5 OR 6 MONTHS FROM HERE, MY BELLY WILL BE NOTICEABLE, I WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HIDE IT… WHAT WILL HAPPEN, I told her… LOVE, DON’T WORRY… WE WILL SOLVE IT, DON’T WORRY, BE PATIENT., I was thinking how to solve the problem Mary was very right, what would people say, her family, friends, that’s when the light bulb went on, I’m going to talk to Mr. Gustavo, I asked him for an appointment, he gave it to me… I said…MR: GUSTAVO I ALWAYS HAVE PROBLEMS…MR. GUSTAVO WHAT POSSIBILITY WOULD THERE BE OF BEING TRANSFERRED TO ANOTHER CITY…HERE IN MY TOWN THERE IS A LOT OF ENVY…YOU KNOW, he told me…..TITO HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WORKING, I told him…1 YEAR AND TWO MONTHS, ..he told me…TITO, I AM GOING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING VERY PERSONAL…SURELY THEY HAVE TOLD YOU SOMETHING….I AM TRANSFERRED TO THE CENTRAL PLANT IN LIMA, I AM GOING AS PERSONNEL MANAGER, REPLACING MY COMPADRE, HE IS BEING PASSED ON TO A BOARD OF DIRECTORS…I AM LEAVING AT THE END OF THE MONTH…CAN YOU WAIT…UNTIL I AM IN THE POSITION….BE PATIENT TITO, I told him I WILL WAIT FOR YOU MR. GUSTAVO, A month later the Administrator called me… TITO… A DOCUMENT HAS ARRIVED FROM THE HEADQUARTERS, SIGNED BY MR. GUSTAVO… THEY ARE TRANSFERRING YOU TO A NEW AGENCY IN THE MOUNTAINS, YOU GO WITH THE POSITION OF PERSONNEL MANAGER, YOU HAVE TO HAND OVER YOUR POSITION TO YOUR COLLEAGUE LUIS, THE FIRST DAYS OF THE FOLLOWING MONTH YOU HAVE TO BE IN YOUR POSITION… I CONGRATULATE YOU TITO, I came home really happy, my wife was very happy, we sold everything, the house, a farm that I had, and we left, we arrived at a town in the mountains where a new bank agency was being set up, Our son was born around 6 months ago, we live happily, we have good neighbors and very good coworkers, .. THE BEST THING IS THAT I LIVE HAPPILY, I HAVE A LOVELY WIFE AND A BEAUTIFUL FAMILY… TO WHICH I AM AWESOME I LOVE SO MUCH………………….THE END